Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Modern prophet differences

(again, NOT my thoughts, but saved as worth thinking about)

My questions are as follows (and they might be elsewhere in the comments, but I skipped over most):
(1) Do you think J.S. (and others) would be pleased with the way the office of Patriarch has been dismantled and left entirely void (thanks to Heber J. Grant largely)?
(2) Do you think J.S. would be pleased with the way the priesthood was conferred during the middle 1900s (thanks, again, to Heber J. Grant)?
(3) Do you think J.S., B.Y., or J.T. would be pleased with Woodruff's repudiation of an 1889 revelation when he acted, in 1890, for the "temporal salvation" of the church?
(4) Do you think J.S., B.Y. or J.T. would be pleased to know that Woodruff met with the Bohemian Club and other power brokers in San Francisco to ease the financial burdens the church was under, following which (in successive years) Polygamy, the United Order and the Council of 50 were thrown to the wayside?
(5) Do you think B.Y. would be pleased to hear the prophets which followed (largely starting with Heber J. Grant, though J.F.S. certainly agreed with HjG in this aspect) when they proclaimed how excited and happy they were to know that the church was accepted into the mainstream, was able to do business without fear and "shook hands" with those whom B.Y. said to not do business with?
(6) Do you think J.S., B.Y., or J.T. would be pleased to know that Heber J. Grant mortgaged the entire temple block in the early 1920s (through the early 1970s) in order to finance business ventures?
(7) Do you think J.S., B.Y., J.T. or even W.W. would be pleased with Hinckley's statement on Polygamy not being doctrinal, or Hinckley's statement in the April 2009 New Era where he's quoted as saying that the youth should "sacrifice anything that is needed to be sacrificed to qualify yourselves to do the work of the world. That world will in large measure pay you what it thinks you are worth, and your worth will increase as you gain education and proficiency in your chosen field."
8. Lorenzo Snow was told, in 1898, by Christ himself as He appeared to Snow in the SLC temple that the church had rejected Him. Have you ever thought about why Christ appeared to him in the hallway of the temple instead of the Holy of Holies? Do you think J.S., B.Y. or J.T. would be pleased to know that the church had "rejected" the Lord?
9. Do you think the prophets up through 1900 would be pleased to know that no longer are newly called apostles charged to complete their ordination by seeking the face of the Lord? Instead, they merely claim a "special witness" or "hunches" or "feelings" as a manifestation of their ordination.
10. Do you think those present in Kirtland and elsewhere would be pleased to know that the gifts of the spirit are almost entirely missing, gone, no longer seen/practiced/witnessed? Where are the gifts, one might ask, if this is the true church?
11. Do you think J.S. would be pleased to know that no longer is revelation received in the "Thus Saith the Lord" manner, but instead through consensus, hunches, feelings, etc.

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